Have you ever been having a good day and then all of a sudden, you weren't?
Things started going wrong, or your kids didn't do something they had been asked for the umpteenth time to do and that sent you over the edge? When this happens, are you instantly in a bad mood and become angry?
"Do you find that after this, everything starts going wrong?"
...when this happens to me I start cleaning because I can control what gets cleaned and no longer feel like everything is out of my control. However, I've recently recognized I'm still in a state of frustration and anger. And I am, in fact, in control of what happens to me from there on, I just have to make the choice to reset. This exact scenario happened to me the other day and I recognized what was happening fairly quickly. I started asking myself, what can I do to reset? How can I choose a different route for the rest of the day. I knew that if I stayed in that state of frustration and anger, the rest of the day was going to play our poorly. I needed to shift my mood so the rest of the day could go better. So I sat down and read a book with my son and decided to just be instead of do. It helped me forget about what I was upset about and get into a better space. It allowed me to choose to reset and find the good in the remainder of the day instead of the bad. This left me wondering what others do when they know they need a reset to get them out of a funk.
What do you do to reset?