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"Do you do, do, do all the time and forget to take time and"

Woman Sitting on Roof

We were meant to just be sometimes, yet in this fast-paced world, we are always trying to be productive and do things. When was the last time you took time for yourself? Do you schedule time on your calendar monthly to recharge yourself or do you wait for the opportunity to present itself before you take time for yourself?

Have you ever taken time to BE and then come back refreshed and ready to DO the things that need to be done in day-to-day life and are more productive?

...taking the time to be can make us much more productive when we return to doing. We know this, but why do we fail to schedule this time into our calendars? Schedule the time to be, remove the distractions of life, enjoy the beauty around you, and live in the moment. Remember to stop doing all the time and learn how to be the human being you were created to be.

All my best, Amy.

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